Hess Corporate Citizenship | Hess Corporation
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How We Operate


We aim to help meet the world’s growing energy needs in a way that protects the health and safety of our people, safeguards the environment and contributes to the sustainability of the communities where we operate while delivering long term value to our shareholders and other stakeholders. Our expectations for sustainable management and performance are defined by the Hess Values, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Human Rights, Social Responsibility and Environment, Health and Safety Policies.

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    The Hess Values

    The Hess Values set the framework and establish the ethical standards by which we conduct our business.

    Read about the Hess Values
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    Hess' Human Rights Policy

    Our commitment to human rights is embodied in our Hess Values and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We formalize our commitments in our Human Rights Policy.

    Read the Hess Human Rights Policy
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    Protecting People and Respecting the Environment

    We continue to build and strengthen a corporate culture of safety and are committed to minimizing any negative environmental and social impacts of our activities.
    Read the Hess Environment, Health and Safety Policy
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    Avoiding Use of Conflict Minerals

    At Hess, we seek to avoid the use of minerals in our products that help fund armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries.

    Read the Hess Conflict Minerals Policy

Sustainable Tax Practices

The Hess Tax Department’s purpose is to be “trusted to deliver stakeholder value.” We recognize that we have multiple stakeholders with important interests to manage and balance. Earning and keeping the trust of these stakeholders is central to our purpose, and to accomplish this objective our Tax Department focuses on stakeholder needs with integrity and competence. Hess discloses tax information for each tax jurisdiction in which we have a resident entity on an annual basis, including income tax payments and income tax expenses, within the framework of its legal obligations to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (country by country reporting).

Read more about Hess’ strategic approach to managing our global tax responsibilities


Eliminating Bribery and Corruption

We are committed to operating lawfully and ethically. Our Antibribery and Anticorruption Compliance Program promotes a culture of integrity and transparency in all of our activities.